Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Assessment - Professor Incognito Apologizes

1. Are there any prominent symbols in the story? If so, what are they and how are they used?

I feel that the most prominent symbol of this short story are the costumes described. These costumes not only set the characters apart from the "normal" individual, but they represent the hidden sides that any person can be hiding. This "secret self" is what grounds the story, and represents more than just the obvious break between the character's normal life and secret life, but rather the break between their relationship. Their relationship struggled, and I feel that the discussion of needing a costume to differentiate the multiple "selves" also is a comment on how lack of full transparency can lead to ill situations and broken relationships. I feel that Suzanne herself could be considered a symbol as well. A symbol of normalcy - the element that Professor Incognito considered to be part his reasonable, public self. Of course, this symbol of normalcy is shattered by the end of the letter when he recalls his discovery - that she indeed did have her own secret self. And so, the shattering of the normalcy associated with Suzanne marks the beginning of the shattering of any sort of normalcy the Earth still may have.

2. What connections did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect.

Having been in an ongoing relationship for the past 5 years, I was definitely able to connect with the trials of the relationship described (although, thankfully, the characters have had a much more rocky time than I ever have). Still, I understood many of the pains and joys that were discussed along similar lines, such as the struggles of communication and the simple bliss of having someone to be with. I feel that everyone can relate to the concept of one having a "hidden self" to some extent. Although we may not go so far as to becoming a super-villain behind a loved one's back, everyone has a side of themselves that they reserve for themselves alone. This personal self does not necessarily have to stray far from one's public image - it can be as simple of how you hold yourself when nobody else is around, or how you act with a group of friends as opposed to your parents. By taking this concept to an extreme, the story did a good job at pointing out that even those we think we know wholly and truly will have their own hidden side.

3. What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use? What changes would you make.

If I was to adapt this story into another medium, I feel that film would be a good choice. The story, although a list of past events and thoughts, came across as very visual to me even though in theory it is being viewed from one location - the lab, by Suzanne. To give the film more opportunities for expression, beyond the introduction I would rely heavily on flashback scenes for each aspect of the list. This would allow us a greater connection to the characters, and intensify the situation by actually showing us the multiple selves of Professor Incognito. To introduce the flashbacks, narration could be used, but eventually that would fade as the examples progress visually and no longer need explanation, but rather elicit the emotions I wished to convey - such as the tension between the two characters not speaking in the car, or taking notice subtle costume elements that Suzanne notices before entering the lab. Professor Incognito's concept of the future could be visualized, as well as the outcomes that Suzanne's choices could lead to. An opportunity could even be taken to provide the end result, which perhaps, and very likely, would have differed from Incognito's described visions of his rise to power.

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